Solid Waste Management: A Key Proxy for a Healthy, Trash-Free-Seas of Belize
Marine litter is a huge problem in our oceans, with some scientists warning that, by 2050, the quantity of plastics in the oceans will outweigh fish. That’s cause for concern for economies, ecosystems, and even human health—especially in a developing nation like Belize. It’s why we’re proud to welcome Belize Waste Control (BWC) as a Platinum Sponsor for the 15th Annual Belikin Blue Water Classic fishing tournament! Marine litter can be prevented downstream through increased awareness in coastal and inland communities of the connections between consumer behavior and solid waste management practices upstream. After all, fishermen are often on the frontline of plastic pollution, fishing out marine litter or seeing international debris scattered on our coastline.
Many plastics, for instance, do not wear down; they simply break into tinier and tinier pieces, which inevitably enter the food chain. By partnering with the leading provider of solid waste collection, transfer, and disposal services in Belize, the BGFA takes this opportunity to call you—the reader—individually into action to do their part in tackling marine litter—especially those of us who depend on the sea for recreation, joy, work, and food.
Awareness of the need to act is growing in a region particularly vulnerable to marine litter and other environmental threats caused by our changing climate, such as increasingly powerful storms. As a country with so much reliance on the sea, it’s easy to be overwhelmed with climate change and marine pollution, but big changes start with small steps and we all have the power to make a difference. That’s why we spoke to Sydney Griffith, Director at Belize Waste Control and a third-generation rep of the family-owned and operated company, to learn more about what proper waste management truly means in Belize.
“We envision a future where solid waste management is safe and eco-conscious, promoting sustainability and protecting the environment,” says Griffith. “This vision includes implementing innovative waste reduction strategies, being part of the push for recycling programs, and fostering community engagement in responsible waste disposal.”
Since 1991, the family-owned and operated business has pledged towards civic pride to provide a safe, healthy, and cleaner Belize through environmentally sound solutions for transferring waste within our country. Sustainable solid waste management can help meet several United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), such as ensuring clean water and sanitation (SDG6), creating sustainable cities and inclusive communities (SDG11), mitigating climate change (SDG13), protecting life on land (SDG15), and demonstrating sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG12).
Practices at Belize Waste Control (BWC) start with keeping management and staff current on international standards and policies with yearly waste management conferences, training, and capacity building, but it doesn’t end there. Valuing that prevention begins staff commits to no single-use plastic and management hosting in-house group lunches to cut down on disposable waste.
This year, staff and management of BWC joined us more than once to keep our local coastline clean—helping to protect marine habitats and wildlife, while fostering a deeper appreciation for these beautiful natural spaces we all share.
With insight from our Premium Sponsor, Belize Waste Control, we encourage you to think twice before choosing single-use plastic, join a local coastal cleanup campaign, and most importantly, dispose of waste properly!